Soccer is extremely popular among children from all over the world. Wherever you go, no matter which part of the world you are at, you can see children chasing and kicking the ball around. But why is soccer so popular with kids?

Soccer as a sport that is chosen by kids more often than other sports, has a great potential because it is played in fast pace. Kids love just that. By playing soccer, they do not need to wait forever for their turn to come. They can run and fight for the ball all the time so they cannot get bored. Therefore, soccer being so dynamic is crucial for its popularity.

For kids, making friends is very important and by playing soccer, they can meet many friends. If they play and train together, lose and win together they can really make some mates for life. In my neighborhood, I can see adult men who are parents now in their thirty something, playing soccer for fun and recreation, who were only young boys training soccer together back then, when all of us were small kids.

In past it was easier to get kids out of the house because lethargic lifestyle was not part of children’s everyday life. Today, they tend to spend so much time in front of the computers and video games, so many TV channels and making them enjoy physical activities is huge bonus. That is why it is very important to make soccer trainings fun for kids, not to make it static sport when soccer is not that definitely, because, as we said, that is exactly what kids are attracted to in soccer. That is the main task that soccer trainer, who works with kids, should obtain. If he manages that playing soccer stays fun for kids to play, that is success. If he gets the totally wrong approach to the game and training, kids will give up.

Kids love soccer and that is not going to change for long time. To play soccer, nothing special is needed but ball, kids and little free space, no matter what type of surface. They are running around, competing, playing, socializing, learning to win and lose and all that from just playing the soccer.