Getting and staying flexible is a very important part of an overall exercise regime. Keeping flexible not only will allow you to do a greater range of movements in everyday life but it helps to keep your muscles in shape to perform at top notch levels when required. Stretching after a workout or after any form of exercise allows your muscles to cool down properly and you will notice that by stretching regularly you will be less likely to get cramps and also that your muscles will be less sore than they might be the day after doing some strenuous exercise.

One way to keep your muscles lean while exercising is the sport or pastime of inline skating. Besides inline skating actually being a fantastic aerobic workout it works really well in getting you longer, leaner legs and a toned rear end. Very important to most people.

Skating is one of the best forms of exercise out there when it comes to toning the muscles in your legs and buttocks. It can be difficult at first to get into the flow of things but you will find that after a few sessions on the skates that you will start to become a bit more comfortable doing it and will be able to push yourself a little bit more. It does not have to be about massive speeds and zooming downhill, actually just the motion of it on a flat ground will get your legs working and you will be getting leaner and more toned without even trying.

One other big benefit is that it is less stressful on your joints than other exercises can be such as jogging and jumping sports like basketball. It will absolutely get your heart rate up however which is an important part of exercising.