A good flexibility can be really helpful on the tennis court. Lower body and upper body flexibility is required for tennis players who are playing at a high level. A lot of shots are executed in extreme range of motions and this could lead to some injuries. If the muscles are strong and flexible enough players will be able to hit efficient shots in extreme lunge positions for example.

Flexibility training will increase the range of motion of the different joints. For example a good range of motion in the shoulder area will allow the players to have more power while they are serving. Flexibility can then enhance performance but it is also very important to prevent injuries. Tight muscles could lead to strains that will limit the performance and could even lead to more important injuries.

Tennis is an activity involving a lot of different kind of movements and dynamic flexibility is then involved in most of the shots. Being able to stretch a muscle at high velocity will allow players to perform a lot better. Dynamic stretching like lunges or straight leg kicks will help to improve this area and this should be done as part as the warm up. Dynamic stretching will get the muscle ready for high intensity practice but it will also help to increase the overall flexibility.

Tennis players do not need to be as flexible as gymnasts but it is still important to work on this area regularly mostly to prevent injuries. A good stretching routine should be included at the end of each practice session or match. Total body stretching will help to recover better but it will also maintain a good flexibility. While stretching for recovery, each stretch should be hold for 30 seconds and all the muscles, upper and lower body, should be worked.

For injury prevention or to enhance performance flexibility training should be part of the tennis training. Easy drills and stretches can be done every day before and after practice. Dynamic stretching should be part of the warm up and static stretching should be done at the end of the day. This should be enough to maintain a good overall flexibility all over the body.