Beginner’s Guide For Surfing

Surfing is a sport that young and old alike. Imagine riding along the face of a breaking wave. Thrilling, right? Surfing's a popular pastime for the young and adventurous. It…

Surfing For Fat Loss

Surfing is a sport and should be trained for in kind. Many styles of exercise forget about life's moments of enjoyment and the full movement your body needs to perform…

Tricks To Surfing

Surfing on the waves isn't all about just the speed and zest of water sports. Perfection can only come once you know how to achieve it. So here are some…

Surfing Fitness Tips

To enjoy a good long surfing session requires more than just great waves and an appropriate surfboard. Your surf fitness will have a profound impact on whether you are carving…

Surfing Exercises

Are surfing exercises really necessary? Most surfers are in pretty good shape, and surfing itself is a good workout. But did you know that there are five dimensions to surfing…

Surfing Lessons, What To Expect

You must be really excited for your first ever surfing lesson, well who wouldn't be? Finally the time has come for you to get on that surfing board and hit…